Boy, the tension of trying to stay human in a technological society sometimes feels like it's going to rip all my limbs off in different directions. We moved out to the country in rural central Washington state in order to live more sustainably and ironically ended up more dependent on electronics and technology for human connection (and mere entertainment) than ever! We have recently moved back to a city (Anchorage, Alaska) to be closer to family and opportunities. As a songwriter/poet I have often wondered how to share my creativity... if not online, where? I'm hoping for more in-person opportunities here in a larger community and quickly realizing how much more energy that requires than plopping down in front of the computer on my butt. Lord, help me!

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The most comprehensive and succinct survey of this topic. I'm saving and sharing this.

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This is very well done, and AI's connection to the "animated statues" is, I think, spot on. Salient point that, although the technology may ultimately have mundane operational aspects does not diminish the fact that the impulse to create them to begin aligns with the impulse of the sorcerer ("my will be done") acting at the instigation of fallen spirits. It is no surprise, then, that our technologies these days are yet another manifestation of "the World" and answerable to the Prince of this World (and its love of Self), rather than being a reflection of the Kingdom of Heaven (and its love of God).

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Good morning from Italy. This is one of the longest and most interesting pieces I have ever read. Something adding to your claim may be also found here, in a statement from WEF's ideologue Dr Yuval Harari > https://twitter.com/Don_Virus_1/status/1516329044291239936?t=K3uaar6T7fosM0_clLjK8w&s=08 - Babel spirit in plain sight.

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Microsoft says its AI will act as spyware recording everything we do on our computers. Apples computers will have AI. It’s being shoved in our faces all at once. Are there ways to disable it? Thank you for this thorough and thoughtful piece.

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excellent work Robin...fine article indeed!

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